Ashley Parsons – Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

Ashley Parsons Psilocybin Therapy is a Registered Psychotherapist and trained in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy (PAT). She works at the progressive intersection of ancient and contemporary healing medicine. Ashley is passionate about bringing PAT to veterans suffering from severe PTSD and a range of other mental health conditions. Ashley’s work is rooted in the belief that psychedelics are powerful medicines and sacred tools that can heal and transform lives.

Unlike antidepressants, which can take weeks to kick in, research suggests psilocybin is quickly effective. A study by Johns Hopkins University found that psilocybin, when combined with counseling, relieved major depression for up to a year. It also helped longtime smokers quit and eased anxiety for people with life-threatening cancer.

It may seem counterintuitive, but psilocybin can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety by altering how the brain perceives reality. It can also promote feelings of love and connection to the world, leading to a sense of spiritual well-being and an ability to more fully express one’s true identity.

Ashley Parsons: Leading the Way in Psilocybin Therapy in Toronto

This is why psilocybin is so promising for queer people. Studies have shown that psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy can heal LGBQ trauma, encourage mindful awareness of and compassion for emotions like grief and sadness, help with self-acceptance, dismantling of habitual protective patterns, increased social cohesion, trust and belonging. Researchers need to ensure their methodologies are safe, inclusive and accessible for all. Incorporating diversity on teams, prioritizing transparency and safety, recognizing intersectionality, avoiding stigmatization, and liberalizing inclusion criteria are just a few of the ways to do this.

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