How to Treat TMD

TMD is a condition that can cause pain in the jaw muscles and joints (temporomandibular joint). It can also affect the area around the joint, including the ear, head, neck, and shoulders. This can make it hard to focus on tasks and can limit your range of motion. It’s important to seek care for TMD before it gets worse.Find out

Most cases of TMD last only a short time and go away on their own. However, if symptoms persist, your doctor may recommend surgery or another procedure. Before agreeing to a surgical procedure, it’s important to speak with more than one provider and to fully understand the risks. Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons can help you decide what treatment options are best for your child’s needs.

Preventing TMD: Lifestyle Changes and Professional Advice

TMD symptoms can include pain in the chewing muscles and/or jaw joints, difficulty moving or locking the jaw, clicking or popping sounds, and ringing in the ears. These symptoms can affect one side or both sides of the face and can be triggered by stress, teeth grinding/clenching, or chewing hard foods.

Physical therapy is effective for treating TMD. Your physical therapist can use manual techniques to improve muscle flexibility and relieve pain. These techniques can include soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, manual manipulation of the temporomandibular joints, resisted muscle stretching, passive muscle stretching, and assisted muscle conditioning.

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