Passover Programs

Passover Programs

Explore Passover Vacations(Pesach) is one of the most important Jewish holidays and celebrates the emancipation of the Hebrew people from slavery in ancient Egypt. It is celebrated by eating matzah and bitter herbs, avoiding chametz (food with leavening agents), hosting Seders and retelling the story of the Exodus. Many Jews choose to celebrate Passover at a Passover Program or Pesach Hotel Resort instead of staying at home and dealing with the labor intensive preparations involved. These programs are run by tour operators who take over all or part of a hotel or resort for the week of Passover and guests book their vacation through the tour company.

Passover Programs 101: Navigating Options and Creating Lasting Memories for Your Celebration

A variety of options are available for Passover Programs, including full kosher meals in hotels and resorts, private homes, all-inclusive programs and more. In addition to the kosher food, some programs also include other activities in their fees such as a Daf Yomi Shiur or local Jewish History tours.

Those who prefer to stay at home can hire a private chef, which can save time and hassle while ensuring that all the family’s needs are met. This option can be expensive, but is a great solution for families who have special dietary requirements such as gluten allergies or dairy restrictions.

When choosing a Passover Program it is important to do your homework. Check out the website, ask questions and read reviews. Ultimately, the right choice will make for an enriching and enjoyable Passover experience.

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